The creative process behind making a fragrance differs between each perfumer. For me, music is often involved.
Sometimes it’s right at the beginning of the process. In fact, sometimes it’s a particular song that sparks an idea off. Other times, I have an idea for a fragrance, then navigate towards certain songs as I’m brewing the idea and considering it. Sometimes there’s no sound involved at all. It could be a colour, a feeling, experience, or a view.
But for About Thyme there was music. And sound effects. If you’re interested, you can check it out here. This playlist is a combination of songs that inspired me and music I’ve since used to promote About Thyme.

Like the perfume, I think these tracks are even better in the sunshine, but you can use them to get that summer feeling when you need it.
Music was less influential in the making of Marzi, but there’s still a playlist. And for me, there’s a strong musical association with Magic + Science, you can find that here.
Do aromas have a sound to you? Do you have music that you associate with certain fragrances? Let me know, I’d love to hear your associations – especially about Thursday fragrances!